Published on Mar 9, 2024
Daily Current Affairs
Current Affairs 09 March 2024
Current Affairs 09 March 2024


  1. Surging Copper Demand Spurs Focus on Economic Growth
  2. Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan
  3. Genome India Project
  4. Very Small Aperture Terminal
  5. Haiper
  6. Taeniogonalos deepaki
  7. Orans

Surging Copper Demand Spurs Focus on Economic Growth


In FY23, the demand for copper witnessed a substantial 16% year-on-year growth. This surge has prompted policymakers and corporations to recognize the pivotal role of copper in driving economic growth.


GS I: Mineral and Energy Resources

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key Points on Copper
  2. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
  3. Copper’s Key Importance

About Copper:

  • Attributes: Malleable, ductile metal with excellent heat and electricity conductivity, corrosion resistance, and antimicrobial properties.
  • Malleability: Ability to be pressed or rolled into thin sheets without breaking.
  • Ductility: Can be stretched into a thin wire without losing strength.
  • Widely used in construction, consumer durables, transportation, and industrial manufacturing.
  • Integral to clean energy technologies like solar panels, electric vehicles (EVs), and energy-efficient motors.
  • 100% recyclable, promoting a circular economy.
Occurrence and Composition:
  • Naturally found in various forms in the Earth’s crust.
  • Occurs in sulphide, carbonate, and silicate deposits, as well as in pure native form.
  • Most commercial copper ore deposits globally have an average grade of 0.8%.
Mining Methods:
  • Primary methods: Open-pit (80% global operations) and underground mining.
Copper Deposits in India:
  • Mainly in Singhbhum (Jharkhand), Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh), Jhunjhunu, and Alwar (Rajasthan).
  • Minor deposits in Agnigundala (Andhra Pradesh), Chitradurg, Hasan (Karnataka), and South Arcot (Tamil Nadu).
India’s Copper Appetite:
  • Rising demand due to infrastructure projects, renewable energy initiatives, and urbanization.
  • Heavy reliance on copper imports, prompting efforts to boost domestic production.
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL):
  • Formed in 1967, a Miniratna Category-I enterprise under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India.
  • Vertically integrated copper producing company, consolidating exploration and exploitation projects.
Copper’s Key Importance:
  • Economic Barometer: Reflects global economic conditions, influenced by demand/supply dynamics, monetary markets, and speculation.
  • Energy Efficiency: Vital for energy-efficient buildings, reducing energy consumption in heating, cooling, and lighting.
  • Sustainable Future: Contributes to sustainability by minimizing energy losses throughout a building’s lifespan.

-Source: Indian Express

Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan


The housing component of Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyay Maha Abhiyaan (PM-JANMAN), aimed at providing housing for Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), faces significant challenges hindering its smooth implementation.


GS II: Government policies and Interventions

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Challenges Hindering the Implementation of PM-JANMAN
  2. Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan (PM JANMAN): Empowering Tribal Communities

Challenges Hindering the Implementation of PM-JANMAN

Discrepancies in Data:

  • Disparity between Centre and state-provided data hinders accurate identification of beneficiaries.
  • Reliance on PM Gati Shakti portal led to varying population figures for 75 PVTGs.

Rushed Data Collection:

  • Limited timeframe for state surveys resulted in incomplete data collection.
  • Concerns raised by states like Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Tripura about beneficiaries being missed.

Delays in Housing Component:

  • Simultaneous data collection and project implementation caused delays in housing component.
  • Only 1.59 lakh houses sanctioned out of targeted 5 lakh.

Urgency for Election Progress:

  • Rapid implementation pace ahead of General Elections 2024 may compromise planning and execution quality.

Logistical Challenges in Remote Areas:

  • Identifying eligible beneficiaries in remote and inaccessible areas poses logistical hurdles.
  • Lack of infrastructure and communication networks hinder data collection and housing scheme implementation.

Dynamic Population Movement:

  • Tribal populations, especially PVTGs, exhibit migratory patterns.
  • Population movement complicates accurate beneficiary estimation, requiring adaptive strategies for comprehensive coverage.

Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan (PM JANMAN): Empowering Tribal Communities

Comprehensive Scheme:

  • PM JANMAN, comprising Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes, is a holistic initiative targeting 11 critical interventions through nine ministries, with a particular focus on the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

Key Interventions:

  • Aims to address 11 critical interventions, including permanent housing, road connectivity, piped water supply, mobile medical units, hostel construction, ‘Anganwadi’ facilities, and skill development centers.
Additional Ministries’ Involvement:
  • Beyond the 11 critical interventions, other ministries contribute to the mission’s success.
    • Ministry of Ayush:
      • Establishes Ayush Wellness Centres based on existing norms.
      • Extends Ayush facilities to Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) habitations through Mobile Medical Units.
    • Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship:
      • Facilitates skill and vocational training in PVTG habitations, multipurpose centers, and hostels, aligning with the specific skills of these communities.

-Source: The Hindu

Genome India Project


The Genome India Project, a project funded and coordinated by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), announced that it had finished sequencing 10,000 Indian genomes.


GS III: Science and Technology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About Genome
  2. Genome India Project
  3. Significance of the Genome India Project
  4. Challenges of the Genome India Project

About Genome:

  • It refers to the complete set of genetic instructions or information that an organism possesses.
  • It is made up of DNA, which carries the instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all living organisms.
  • The study of genomics involves the analysis of genomes and has led to many breakthroughs in various fields, including medicine and biotechnology.
Genome Sequencing
  • Genome sequencing is figuring out the order of DNA nucleotides, or bases, in a genome—the order of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G), that make up an organism’s DNA.

Genome India Project

  • India’s population consists of over 4,600 diverse population groups, many of which are endogamous.
  • These groups have unique genetic variations and disease-causing mutations that cannot be compared to other populations.
  • The Genome India Project aims to create a database of Indian genomes to learn about these unique genetic variants and use the information to create personalized drugs and therapies.
  • The project was started in 2020 and is inspired by the successful decoding of the entire human genome in the Human Genome Project (HGP).
  • The project seeks to better understand the genetic variations and disease-causing mutations specific to the Indian population, which is one of the most genetically diverse in the world.
  • By sequencing and analyzing these genomes, researchers hope to gain insights into the underlying genetic causes of diseases and develop more effective personalized therapies.
  • The project involves the collaboration of 20 institutions across India and is being led by the Centre for Brain Research at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
  • Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, China, and the United States, also have similar programs to sequence their genomes.
Significance of the Genome India Project:

The Genome India Project (GIP) has significant implications in various fields, including healthcare, agriculture, and global science. Here are the key points of its significance:

  • Personalized Medicine: The GIP aims to develop personalized medicine based on patients’ genomes to anticipate and modulate diseases. By mapping disease propensities to genetic variations, interventions can be targeted more effectively, and diseases can be anticipated before they develop.
  • Understanding Disease Propensities: GIP can help understand the genetic basis of disease propensities in different populations. For example, variations across genomes may explain why cardiovascular disease leads to heart attacks in South Asians but to strokes in most parts of Africa.
  • Agriculture: The GIP can benefit agriculture by understanding the genetic basis of the susceptibility of plants to pests, insects, and other issues hampering productivity. This can reduce dependence on chemicals.
  • Global Science: The project is said to be among the most significant of its kind in the world because of its scale and the diversity it would bring to genetic studies. Global science will also benefit from a mapping project in one of the world’s most diverse gene pools.

Challenges of the Genome India Project

Potential for scientific racism and reinforcement of stereotypes: There are concerns that genetic mapping could be used to promote ideas of racial purity and justify discrimination.

  • Deepening of social divisions: In a country already divided by identity politics, genetic mapping may further deepen existing social divisions.
  • Data privacy and storage concerns: In the absence of a comprehensive data privacy bill in India, there are concerns about the possible misuse of genetic information collected by the GIP.
  • Ethical questions about gene modification and selective breeding: The project raises ethical questions about the potential for doctors to privately perform gene modification or selective breeding, which have always been controversial.
  • Risk of misuse of genetic information: There is a risk that genetic information collected by the GIP could be misused, either intentionally or unintentionally. The 2018 sentencing of a Chinese scientist who created the world’s first gene-edited babies highlights the seriousness of these concerns.

-Source: The Hindu

Very Small Aperture Terminal


The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is planning to collaborate with ISRO to deploy V-SAT stations on a pilot basis for around 80 tribal villages.


GS II: Government Policies and Interventions

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key Highlights
  2. Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)
  3. Advantages/Disadvantages of VSAT

Key Highlights:

  • The Union Ministry for Tribal Affairs (MoTA) unveils transformative partnerships for tribal development.
  • Collaborations established with premier institutions including ISRO, IISc Bengaluru, AIIMS Delhi, IIM Calcutta, and IIT Delhi.
  • Focus on addressing connectivity challenges in around 18,000 remote tribal villages through a gap analysis.
  • Limited mobile and internet accessibility in these areas impedes access to basic services.
  • Partnership with ISRO targets the deployment of satellite-based V-SAT solutions.
    • V-SAT stations, whether static or mounted on vehicles, aim to overcome connectivity challenges.
  • MoTA and ISRO collaboratively launch V-SAT stations on a pilot basis in 80 villages across Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Maharashtra.
  • The stations will provide Wi-Fi with a capacity of 100 Mbps, expandable to another 100 Mbps with boosters.
  • The initiative seeks to enhance connectivity and provide access to essential services for tribal communities.
  • The success of the pilot project may lead to scaling up in other similar tribal villages, contributing to e-governance in remote areas.

Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)

  • A VSAT is a two-way ground station facilitating data transmission to and from satellites.
  • It is compact, standing at less than three meters, and supports both narrow and broadband data in real-time.
  • VSAT networks find diverse commercial applications, notably in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
    • Walmart, for instance, uses VSAT to track inventory, enhancing real-time inventory management and reducing delivery costs.
    • The hub system, combined with VSAT, enables precise stocking, minimizing product movements between locations.
Applications in Manufacturing:
  • Manufacturers utilize VSAT for relaying orders, monitoring real-time production figures, and other functions usually handled over wired networks.

National Stock Exchange (NSE) Connectivity:

  • NSE in India boasts one of the world’s largest VSAT networks, offering connectivity options.
  • VSAT enables access in areas where wired options are limited, expanding the exchange’s reach.

Reliability of VSAT Network:

  • Despite occasional sun outages caused by solar radiation, the VSAT network, including the NSE’s extensive network, has demonstrated reliability.


VSAT plays a crucial role in facilitating efficient data communication, especially in sectors such as retail, manufacturing, and financial exchanges.

Advantages/Disadvantages of VSAT

  • Ease of Deployment:
    • VSAT networks excel in deployment efficiency due to reduced infrastructure requirements for servicing remote locations through satellite communication.
  • Connectivity for Remote Work Sites:
    • Ideal for remote work sites like exploratory drilling locations, facilitating the relay of critical data such as daily drill logs to central headquarters.
  • Independence from Local Telecom Networks:
    • VSAT operates independently of local telecommunications networks, serving as a robust backup system for wired networks and mitigating business recovery risks.
  • Network Redundancy:
    • In case of wired network failures, businesses can seamlessly continue operations using the VSAT network, providing essential network redundancy.
  • Latency Challenges:
    • VSAT encounters latency issues as information takes time to travel between the ground station and the satellite in geosynchronous orbit, affecting real-time communication.
  • Limitations in Two-Way Communication Protocols:
    • Protocols requiring frequent two-way communication face challenges with VSAT due to latency, which is more pronounced compared to one-way data transfer.
  • Weather-Dependent Signal Quality:
    • The quality of the VSAT signal can be adversely affected by weather conditions, introducing variability and potential disruptions.
  • Obstruction Impact:
    • Obstructions such as buildings can interfere with the VSAT signal, posing challenges to signal integrity and requiring careful consideration of placement.

-Source: The Hindu



Recently, former members of Google’s DeepMind team, have introduced Haiper, a cutting-edge AI-powered video generation tool.


Facts for Prelims

About Haiper


  • An all-in-one visual foundation model designed for easy generation of high-quality video content.
  • Aims to make cutting-edge machine learning accessible to everyone, regardless of technical training.

Founders’ Vision:

  • Believes in making creativity “fun, surprising, and shareable.”
  • Positions Haiper as a powerful perceptual foundation model-driven AI contributing to a new path towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).


  • Offers various tools, including text-to-video, animated static images, and video repainting tools.
  • Provides a platform for users to generate videos for free by entering text prompts.

Current Limitations:

  • Users can generate HD videos, with a duration of 2 seconds for free.
  • Slightly lower-quality videos can extend up to four seconds.


  • Users can access the platform through the website by logging in with their email addresses.

-Source: The Hindu

Taeniogonalos deepaki


Entomologists of the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment have discovered a new species of wasp in the Western Ghat region of Karnataka.


GS III: Species in News

About Taeniogonalos deepaki


  • Discovered in the Belgaum region of Karnataka.
  • Named after Dr. Deepak Deshpande, a medical doctor and nature enthusiast who collected the specimen.


  • Belongs to the genus Taeniogonalos.
  • Part of the family Trigonalyidae within the order Hymenoptera.

Family Characteristics:

  • Trigonalyidae is known for hyperparasitoids, insects that infiltrate and develop within other parasitoids.


  • Genus Taeniogonalos is found in various regions, including Afrotropical, oriental, eastern palaearctic, nearctic, Australian, and neotropical.
  • Six species reported earlier from India and 20 from China.

Male Description:

  • Scientists reported the first male description of another species, Taeniogonalos eurysoma.

Geographical Presence:

  • Majority of Taeniogonalos species reported from south India.
Understanding Parasitoid:
  • Organism with young that develop on or within another organism (host), ultimately leading to the host’s death.
  • Exhibits characteristics of both predators and parasites.

-Source: The Hindu



Communities, particularly those in western Rajasthan, are concerned about the state’s proposal to classify orans (sacred groves) as deemed forests.


Facts for Prelims

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About Orans in Rajasthan
  2. Understanding Sacred Groves

About Orans in Rajasthan


  • Orans are traditional sacred groves located in Rajasthan.
  • These are community-managed forests preserved through cultural and religious significance.

Management and Preservation:

  • Rural communities actively manage Orans.
  • Preserved through institutions and codes, often considered sacred.
  • Local deities are associated with Orans.


  • Rich in biodiversity.
  • Typically include a water body.
  • Serves as a communal space for herding, festivals, social events, and congregations.

Connection to Communities:

  • Communities in Rajasthan have conserved Orans for centuries.
  • Lives of these communities are intertwined with these sacred spaces.

Wildlife Habitat:

  • Natural habitat for the critically endangered Great Indian Bustard (GIB).
  • GIB is a protected species under the Wildlife Protection Act.

Understanding Sacred Groves:


  • Relic forest patches protected by communities out of reverence for a deity.
  • Essential for biodiversity conservation, providing refuge for diverse plant and animal species.

National Presence:

  • India boasts over 13,000 documented Sacred Groves.
  • Found across the country, notably in states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu.

Regional Names:

  • Known by various regional names such as Kavu/Sarpa Kavu in Kerala, Devarakadu/Devkad in Karnataka, Deorai/Devrai in Maharashtra, Jahera/Thakuramma in Odisha, etc.

-Source: Indian Express